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"Education is a natural process carried out by the child and is not acquired by listening to words but by experiences in the environment"    
Maria Montessori


2/3 y/o

One class

A team of qualified and

Two classes

3/6 y/o

Immersive English 

Two classes

6/10 y/o

English-speaking educators

Middle School

      Enrol soon     

      Enrol soon     


At our school, we take each child's individual abilities, interests and talents into account.

We foster independence and encourage children's natural desire to learn new skills.

At the heart of our approach is a sense of community, giving children an important sense of respect, responsibility and caring for one another and the environment.

Our Montessori educators firmly believe that children :

  • are highly motivated

  • possess an innate and insatiable desire to learn new skills,

  • have no need for a reward system to motivate them,

  • have a strong desire to become independent and capable individuals.

Maria Montessori observed and researched these patterns of behaviour in children over a century ago. Today the findings of Maria Montessori are validated by modern neuro-scientific research.


We give the utmost importance to quality language learning, which is essential in our globalised world.

Children are immersed in a bilingual English/French environment on a daily basis. Qualified English and French native speakers are present in the school every day.

In this way, children learn in the most natural way possible.
The cognitive benefits of bilingualism are well established. According to researcher Diane Poulin-Dubois, a professor of psychology at Concordia University,

"In a bilingual environment, children learn more easily and more naturally. "In a bilingual environment, children function with both languages in a state of constant activation (...) It's a constant transition between the two languages. It requires real flexibility", "It's a question (...) of a benefit to as executive cognitive functions".


The child's linguistic level is often higher, even in their mother tongue, and they benefit from greater self-confidence.

Social skills


Our aim is for children to fully understand their place in wider society, whether at school or in their local community.
Mutual help is one of the foundations of the everyday community at school. Through a range of initiatives throughout the year, we seek to raise children's awareness of their duty as citizens of the world, and of the need to listen to their neighbours.

We also emphasise the importance of protecting the environment and observing the natural world in order to foster greater respect and understanding.


We encourage children to be creative and develop their imagination 

Various workshops allow children to fully exploit their creative potential.

Motor skills

"Mens sana in corpore sano -- A healthy mind in a healthy body".

Early on, Maria Montessori recognised the natural urge in young children to be mobile. We focus on the importance of developing the motor skills through targeted activities for children aged 3 to 6.


A typical day starts with circle time followed by an uninterrupted work cycle, typical of the Montessori approach.
In this time, the children work independently according to their sensitive periods, under the guidance of their teacher.
Through voluntary learning, children develop concentration, good work habits, and a sense of self-respect and respect for others, while reinforcing their knowledge and acquiring new skills.


Meal times are a key part of the school day, a time for sharing and social interaction.
Meals are provided by a caterer and delivered to the school each morning.


After lunch time children are provided with the opportunity to take a nap time if necessary or a quiet time.

Afternoons are spent various work and artistic, creative, scientific or cultural activities and projects.

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Nos Holiday Clubs anglophones

Enrol your child at the Holiday Club during the school holidays in October, February, April and July.


Donations of IT equipment

Donate your Android or iPad tablets or smartphones to our school.


© Copyright 2021 Montessori Bilingue Bordeaux Rive Droite

9 chemin Profond

33370 Fargues-Saint-Hilaire

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